Why Rent From United Properties?

United Properties provides rental home and apartment management and is considered the Leader is Service in the Grand Rapids area. We offer single-family homes, townhomes, condos, duplexes, fourplexes, apartments, and other multi-plexes.

当你决定租房子的时候,你能做的最重要的决定之一就是“你的房东是谁??” As the Leader in Service, we are the most knowledgeable, 彬彬有礼,以客户为服务的物业管理公司. Our company works very hard to out-compete individual landlords and provide the highest quality resident services you’ll ever experience.

你搬进来的时候,12bet官方所有的房子都准备好了. 12bet官方使用有保险的专业供应商(油漆工), handymen, plumbers, carpet cleaners, 等),以确保您的设备处于良好状态. 12bet官方检查已完成的工作,以确保在您入住之前一切就绪.

We provide you repair request forms, 电子维修请求通过12bet官方的网站24/7, 并有传真机连线,确保12bet官方可以随时收到您的维修请求和其他需求.




We make paying your rent easy, 不再提供自动写地址的付款信封, accepting on line payments, and a drop slot.

12bet官方的办公时间是周一到周五上午9点到下午5点,正常节假日除外. 下班后,12bet官方的套房门上有一个寄信口.

所有送到你家的维修承包商都是有保险的专业人士,他们必须符合12bet官方制定的严格标准. 许多人多年来一直为12bet官方的租户提供优质服务.

When you sign your lease, you have a meeting with a property manager to go over all parts of the lease to help ensure that everyone is aware of their responsibilities under the lease.

联合物业属于许多国家组织,以跟上最新的法律和条例. 无论你最后做什么,确保你的房东是RPOA会员.

We hope by providing all the services above that you will recognize that a good landlord can make all the difference in your rental experience.

NARPM Logo Trust Symbol
Equal Housing Opportunity Trust Symbol
Equal Housing Opportunity Trust Symbol



如果你想了解更多12bet官方的物业以及与联合物业合作的情况, get in touch. 12bet官方很乐意多谈谈12bet官方的出租房产, our application requirements, and our leasing process.


616-965-2300 | info@kubavisuals.com